What does BEAR stand for?

Basic Efficient Active Response. Our approach harnesses the scientific exploration of human motion and the neural network, fusing the teachings of Martial Arts, Fitness, and Self Preservation into their most uncomplicated and effective manifestation..

Can I try out a class before I join?

Absolutely! Just click on the link corresponding to the program that captures your interest, and you can then arrange your initial pair of complimentary introductory classes. If you're uncertain about which program suits you best, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

A dedicated team member will be delighted to provide you with an in-depth exploration of our programs.

What do I need to bring to my first FREE Introductory Lesson?

For your initial visit, there's no need to bring a lot! Simply wear comfortable athletic attire and have a water bottle on hand. Shoes are taken off before entering the training area. You're welcome to go barefoot or wear socks.

Please be aware: All participants are required to sign a release waiver. For those under 18 years old, a Parent/Guardian must be present during the session.

What do I need to bring to class on a regular basis?

Once you're enrolled in BEAR SPS, you'll be provided with detailed instructions. Generally, you only need to bring the designated system uniform, such as the dobok for the Taekwondo system or the BEAR SPS T-Shirt. All necessary materials will be supplied by BEAR SPS.

How do I enroll?

Following your two complimentary introductory lessons, we'll arrange an enrollment meeting to delve into setting goals for either yourself or your family!

Do you offer a Family Membership?

Certainly, we cater to families of varying sizes and offer competitive pricing to suit. At BEAR SPS, we foster a family-oriented atmosphere and wholeheartedly welcome families to train together!

My family wants to train but each has interest in different programs you offer, can you accommodate?

Absolutely, without a doubt! While we greatly appreciate it when families participate in the same class, we acknowledge that various family members might have distinct preferences. As an integral aspect of our family membership, different individuals are welcome to engage in separate systems.

What level of fitness is required for your programs?

Individuals of varying fitness levels seek our guidance. We encounter individuals with inherent athleticism, as well as those who find athletic pursuits more challenging. Nonetheless, every individual receives equal dedication and care.

If your current fitness level is not at its peak, there's no need for concern. Progress at your own rhythm, and we are committed to supporting your mastery of each technique. With time, your physical fitness will noticeably enhance, leading you to a better state of health and fitness than ever before!

How is BEAR SPS different than other Martial Arts Studios?

BEAR SPS leverages the scientific analysis of human movement and the nervous system, merging the teachings of Martial Arts, Fitness, and Self Preservation into the most uncomplicated and efficient form conceivable.

The foundation of BEAR SPS lies in a comprehensive approach, considering the psychological, emotional, and physiological aspects of development. We recognize the symbiosis among these elements and how to leverage Martial Arts principles to encourage progress and objective attainment in a specific, attainable, and quantifiable manner.

This strategy is executed through the meticulous tracking of results, fostering self-assurance, and cultivating a culture of constructive reinforcement.

Master Kenny Ault is devoted to cultivating a familial environment that promotes positivity and mutual support in personal development and the pursuit of objectives. This commitment resonates throughout BEAR Self Preservation Systems!